Friday 16 November 2018

Just for Fun

This my new favourite thing....

Friday 2 November 2018

About Love

Pastor James has been preaching through 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 lately. You can go and listen to them here. You should be warned, though, that they can be tough to hear. Not because of James (he's a very good preacher (and a very good pastor)), but because they are very hard-hitting sermons. As I listened to what love requires, I was hugely convicted by how far short I fall in loving others, and how much I need to grow in this area.

It's been tough to hear, but it's also been really, really good.  I've spent a lot of time praying about how I'm not loving people, and confessing the sin I saw in my life, and being forgiven. In every sermon, James reminded us of the cross, and that we can go before God in repentance because He has already promised forgiveness.

One Sunday, all of our hymns were about God's love for us, and that was a great reminder as well. God is love, and when He tells us how to love, He's telling us how to be like Himself. Love is patient and kind and does not take into account a wrong suffered, and endures to the end, and all the other things in this section of Scripture... because that's exactly what God is. That was the greatest encouragement: I fall so far short of the mark, but God is perfectly loving, and He loves me perfectly.

Already I can sense changes in me as a result of the love sermons. Having dealt with a lot of unloving attitude in my heart, I feel more relaxed, happier, and free. It's easier to deal with the stuff of life when my goal is to love people. Of course, I'm not perfect yet. I still get upset about things; I just remember more quickly that love is patient and kind, and I remember that I am not supposed to dwell on (real or imaginary) hurts or insults, and I pray more for help to love people in the moment.

It's been a good series, and I'd encourage you to listen to it. As much as it has hurt in the moment, I have been very, very thankful for it.