Sunday 16 June 2013

Mixed Metaphors

I have a wonderful pastor. He loves God's Word and God's people and he preaches faithfully week after week. Lately, though, he has been mixing his metaphors.

We're in Galatians 5 and for two weeks we've been talking about walking by the Spirit.

Last week he told us that walking by the Spirit is not passive, but active. It's a constant, steady walk. It is not a sprint. We can't just run for a while, then pull the car over; then run for a while, then pull the car over.

This week he just got up to the flesh being crucified so its power has been sapped. It is guaranteed to die, and we can sit there and watch it die as we walk by the Spirit.

Maybe he just doesn't understand what it means to walk or run.

But...while I laugh at his mixed metaphors, I have to say that his sermons are great. You should go and listen to them here at the church website.

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