Wednesday 30 December 2020


 Why yes, it has been a long time since I posted. It's been a pretty rough year (to put it mildly), and I haven't felt like writing, or like doing much other than just trying to get through it, really. I'm back, though, and I'm going to try again. Things are still messy, but I'm finding my way through, and maybe writing will help (or at least the discipline of sitting down to write).

Anyway...this year: Covid issues, health issues, and work issues all piled together to wear me down and wear me out. I'm on sick leave right now, and trying to figure out what to do with my life (and waiting to see the last specialist). I'm okay, really; it's just a throat issue that won't clear up properly. I have a long list of things that aren't wrong with me!

I should be posting my "best books" lists right now. I'll tell you the truth: this wasn't a good year for reading because I was tired a lot and reading took a lot of energy.  I did read, of course, and I'll post some favourites in the next day or two. I didn't track everything (or anything past about the middle of the year), but I'll do what I can.

I tried the Challies reading challenge, and failed spectacularly. I may try again next year (I have it printed), or I may try the Redeemed Reader challenge for kids and teens (it has different categories, and I can use books written for adults; I don't have to fill it in with kid/teen books (although that might help!)). I'm not sure. I also might just read, but having a plan will help.

I've been watching more tv lately, while knitting and crocheting (a baby blanket, an afghan for my niece, and now more baby blankets for the slew of babies due at the church). It's been a nice way to spend the evenings and I feel productive. I'm sticking with simple patterns, and I find it very relaxing. It's probably good that there are a dozen babies coming!

That's the update for now. I'll be back tomorrow or the next day with book recommendations from the past year.

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