Thursday 25 February 2021

Sermon Notes

 I am a note-taker, especially during sermons (I'm a doodler during staff meetings). Part of the reason is that having something to do helps me focus and writing things down helps me remember. Part of the reason is that I like to review the notes again before the following week's sermon (our pastors generally preach expositional sermons through a book; right now we are in John), and sometimes I like to go back and check something.

Pastor James is an excellent speaker and has an amazing way with words, and I love listening to him preach. Sometimes, though, there are sentences that really stick out for me, things that I want to ponder later, and I write them down on a separate page. 

Here are some of those lines:

No one comes to Jesus through a side door.

The fear and praise of men are compelling motivations for the flesh.

God is God. He determines reality. He is truth.

Hell will be filled with procrastinators.

God's discipline is both loving and redemptive.

Unbelief gets in the way of self-evaluation and objectivity.

There are going to be no missing sheep on the last day.

The practicality of theology amplifies in difficulty.

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