Monday 8 July 2024


 There are a pile of things to do this summer, some of which I should be working on today, but I am feeling very unfocused. 


1. I went to the library this morning, and it's very hot today, so I came home already tired.

2. Hot outside = warm inside, even with the fans going. 

3. I had a cold for most of the past week and I'm in the last bits of it (the mild cough and bit of stuffiness that seem to go on forever after a cold).

4. They're working either on my balcony or on one close, so the noise is disruptive. Mostly I'm able to tune things out when they're working on other parts of the building, but not banging right outside my window or the sound of sawing (especially sawing metal).

So, I'm very unfocused. I suspect that this will go on for a while until it cools down again. I'll try to get things done, but it may be slow!

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