Tuesday 10 September 2024

Fall is Here!

Yes, okay, not technically for a couple more weeks, but I am tentatively rejoicing in the coming of fall. Tentatively because it was around 31 degrees on Sunday and that is just too hot for September (or for any season). I am not a fan of summer and heat, so I've been waiting for fall since June.

(Which is not to say that I didn't enjoy summer. There were some very nice parts: vacation, rest, reading, catching up on stuff, more rest and reading; it's just that I don't like the heat.)

There are some out there who think that if you complain about the heat in summer, you can't complain about the cold in winter. That, of course, in nonsense. It is perfectly possible to dislike -30 as much as you dislike +30.

And I know that both summer and winter are necessary parts of life. I accept that. I just don't love them (but winter is still better because it's possible to keep adding layers to stay warm, but you can remove all the layers in summer and still be hot).

Spring is nice. I like the new green everywhere and flowers blooming and no more heavy clothing. The only drawback (for me) is that spring can be muddy and messy. And short: spring always seems too short to enjoy properly.

But fall...now that 's a lovely season. It's cooler and the leaves change colour and it feels good outside. It's time for my favourite sweater-jacket (the blue one with the bluebirds) and it's getting to be soup time. It's a lovely time of year and I'm so glad it's here.

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