Sunday 6 November 2011

Bits and Pieces

The essays are done and were handed in on time. I think they were okay; at least I liked them and so did my friend who edits them for me. All I really care about right now is that they're done and I can stop now. I've been doing school for almost 4 years with only a week off here and there and I am so ready for a break. I've decided to take the winter off and leave the rest of the independent study classes for now. I'll start school again in March.

It sounds easy, this business of getting a master's degree slowly and through correspondence, but I know three people who have had to stop, at least for a time, because of time constraints. This last year almost did me in, and left me totally tired out, and I don't have a family to care for as some of my classmates do.

I had the first sleepover Friday night. It was for my class, so they were younger girls (grades 3-6), and only 4 of them were able to attend. They're a pretty low key group and not much trouble, although they get very giggly as it gets late! This weekend I will have the junior/senior high girls. It's sort of turning into a youth group activity (Friday is officially a "split youth session" for the group, and I understand the male leaders have plans for the boys). The good news is that the youth group leaders will be here so I won't be the only adult. On the other hand, there are at least 10 people planning to attend, and I have a small apartment! Well, we'll all squeeze in somehow.

Work is beginning to settle down into a regular schedule which means I can settle into a regular schedule. There's still a lot going on, but I'll get to rest as well and catch up on stuff.

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