Sunday 29 April 2012

From the Kids

Today I have a round-up of things my students have been saying: that a cycle ridden by a unicorn?

Okay, I've wroten "intelligent" 5 times. Now what?

The assignment was to recognize true and false generalizations. We got to "some weeks have fewer than 7 days." It sparked this little conversation...
Student: When it's leap year there's a week with only 6 days.
Me: A week always has 7 days. We don't skip one for leap year or not leap year. If the 28th is Friday, than Saturday is either the 29th or March first.
Student: But doesn't leap year mean that you skip a day?
Me: Leap year means that there's another day in February but the week stays the same.
Student: Oh. I thought they called it leap year because you leap over a day.

1 comment:

Patty said...

I love your students. At least you get a good chuckle at work.