Saturday 7 April 2012

Happy Stuff

Here's what's making me happy this week....

Thursday evenings I have dinner with friends before Bible study. I sometimes check out the week's menus on her fridge, and I've noticed that sometimes they have popcorn and milkshakes for supper but never when I'm there. This week she gave in to my requests and had popcorn and milkshakes (chocolate raspberry milkshakes).

Yesterday I went to visit other friends. They have 4 children. The oldest had fun showing me everything in his room (mostly leg0 related stuff). He also showed me his clock and told me that it's radioactive. It turns out that when he says "radioactive" he means that it has a radio and the time is set based on the radio. The middle two, both girls, sat on me on the couch as we talked and they (as well as their brother) showed me all the art work they had been doing. The 6 year old is very good. The smallest child (who is around 20 months) came over with his stuffed dog and sniffed me gently. I guess I smelled okay, because later he was climbing on me as well! It was a fun afternoon, and that evening a couple other ladies came over as well for our ladies' study (we're doing J.I. Packer's Knowing God).

My toaster oven is dying. First one of the elements went out on the bottom so my toast was only half toasted on the bottom; now the entire bottom of the oven is dead and my toast is toasting on the top only. Last night my friend gave me her old toaster (they recently updated to a 4-slice toaster) so this morning I had toast that was toasted on both sides! The toaster oven is still good for making a small batch of nachos.

Right now I'm watching Bugs Bunny while relaxing from doing homework. There's more homework to do, but it's not so bad. I've been reading A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 and it's very interesting. I have a pot of soup on the stove and I might make banana muffins later tonight.

Tomorrow is Easter. Instead of Sunday School, we're having breakfast at the church. Later tomorrow I'm going to have dinner with friends (I spend all major holidays with them; they're my Edmonton family). I'm bringing a salad and in exchange I get a full Easter dinner (and maybe leftovers). In Grandma's email listing what we should all bring, she asked that the men and boys be responsible for clean up this year since the women are generally responsible for cooking.

Life is good.

Reading over this, it seems that much of my happiness revolves around food!

1 comment:

Patty said...

Food is good so that's not a bad thing. Glad you had a good week and Easter.