Sunday 25 August 2013

Merry Christmas

Yes, I know it's too soon. It's also been too warm lately. Today, though, I was looking through my Chapter's wish list and tentative cart (I have a couple gift cards to spend and I've been trying to decide for weeks what I want), and the cart is mostly Christmas stuff. And now I'm listening to Christmas music.

It seems that the month doesn't really dictate my thoughts. I've been thinking about Christmas, partly because of tentatively planning the Christmas program. Also, one of the moms at church returned a stack of Junior Church lessons that her boys hadn't returned (although they maintained that they had). One of them had the youth 2011 Christmas concert readings in it.

Also, I've been thinking about "the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it." That's one of my favourite parts of Scripture because no matter what happens, there's still hope. There's still light; darkness cannot defeat light.

Merry Christmas.

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