Saturday 16 June 2018

Grocery Shopping

When I go to the grocery store, it seems to be a mark of pride for some of the cashiers/baggers to fit as many items into one bag as possible. I understand that when they charge for bags, people will want their items in fewer bags, but even when I bring my own bags, and hand them all three bags, they seem impressed with their ability to fit everything in one bag. I am less impressed, as I have to walk home and it's easier with more bags (at least 2 to balance things out).

Earlier this week I ordered groceries on-line for delivery. You need to understand that when I get groceries delivered, they don't charge for the bags. You'd think they would use fewer bags, right? Not a chance. I do not know what goes on in the store, but I image it goes something like this:

"One small package of deli meat? It's special; it deserves its own bag!"
"Let's put the bread in its own bag. That way, it won't get squished."
"Great plan! Hey, I'm going to put these frozen perogies in their own bag as well."
"No, wait: we're using too many bags. I know: you put the bag with the perogies into the bag with the bread. Then it we're using fewer bags, right?"
"Okay, this is getting out of hand. We'll put all three types of cheese into their own bag. Just don't let them into the bag with the one small package of deli meat or there'll be trouble."
"The rest is all big stuff. It doesn't get bags."

I'm glad someone came to their senses and realized that the 3-pack of tissues, the 24-pack of toilet paper, and the 24-pack of yogurt didn't need bags (they have everything in bins when they deliver it, so it wasn't a problem for the delivery guy). I'm concerned about how many bags they would have used otherwise.

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