Friday 25 June 2021

Good News...But Keep Praying

The government plans to give us back our building on July 1 (when the province opens again). You can read all about it here or here (which is how we first found out; no one thought to tell the church leadership).

At the same time, Pastor Tim Stephens is still in jail for holding an outdoor church service; you can (and should) read about it here.

In Ontario, where they have surpassed their initial reopening goals, they're keeping the restrictions and still punishing those churches who dare to meet; you can read about that here.

We need to keep praying, for Pastor Stephens, for the churches in Ontario (and other places in Canada), for the believers, and for the freedom of religion and conscience guaranteed in the Charter. The government has tried to take our freedoms once and so many churches acquiesced; history shows us that it is more likely than not that they will try again.

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