Tuesday 29 June 2021

The Fence is Down!

 The news said that we would get our building back on July 1st. Today the fences came down. We still can't get in (the security is still there and keeping us out, except the people caring for the lawn, dealing with weeds (in what would otherwise be our flowerbeds) and a couple other people; we think our admin guy, but we don't know for sure), but the fences are down and it looks like we really can go home. AHS still hasn't informed us of that fact.

Somehow, GraceLife ended up with what we're thinking of as our anthem. The Sunday after Pastor James was arrested, we sang it loudly and with great joy and conviction; the first Sunday that he was returned to us, we sang it again; we sang it in our underground church one week; we are looking forward to singing it again in our building. It speaks clearly about our hope and why we can keep praising God in the midst of this storm. Jailing our pastor and jailing our church couldn't stop us from worship because our hope isn't in them; it is in Christ alone.

Here it is, Christ Our Hope in Life and Death:

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