Tuesday 18 June 2024


It is summer, sort of. Officially it doesn't start until later this week, and the weather hasn't exactly shouted "It's Summer!" quite yet. There have been some warmer days, but it's mostly been cooler and wet, although that's supposed to change later this week as well.

For me, though, it's summer. All the school year stuff is done: Sunday School, work, women's ministry, history class, whatever. In summer, I have a bit of tutoring and prep for fall. Otherwise, it's free time.

The challenge of summer is using the time wisely, both to get ready for fall, take care of stuff that I'm too busy during the school year (especially towards the end) to get done, and find time for rest. I have a list of things to do, and each thing seems to be getting bigger as I look into it more clearly! 

June is a bit funny because it's downtime, but there's still a lot going on, and I have a week of proper vacation coming up (in which I actually leave the city for somewhere else), so there's also prep for leaving to take care of.

Then there are two months of proper summer with things to do and books to read. I'm working on getting organized now and getting into the routine of summer, but it's hard when I know that soon it will be disrupted by the lack of routine of vacation time. Still, things are slowly getting started and ideas are percolating in my head.

I like summer. I like the time to rest and the time to study and the time to prepare for fall. And by fall, I'm ready for things to start up again.

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