Tuesday 11 June 2024

Thoughts from Acts

I've been reading through the New Testament and I'm up to the book of Acts right now. Most mornings I read a chapter and make some notes of things I find interesting. These are just some of my thoughts.

Jesus gives them a job and then the means to do the job.

When God sent the Holy Spirit, the noise was enough to attract the attention of the people in Jerusalem, so they were gathered to hear the gospel.

The apostles were quick to give glory to God (in contrast to various other people who wanted glory/power/etc. for themselves).

The gospel was not limited to any particular group (Jews, Gentiles, men, women, rich, poor...).

Every meeting was a chance to spread the gospel.

Timothy was "well spoken of" by the believers; that and his parentage are all we know about him, but he became Paul's faithful companion.

Luke just sort of joins the narrative, switching from "they went" to "we went" with no mention of how or why he joined them.

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