Friday 2 May 2008

What I'm Reading

Right now I'm in the depths of "Girls Gone Mild" by Wendy Shalit. In a nutshell, it talks about how being a "bad girl" isn't all it's cracked up to be, how liberal views on sex don't liberate women at all. For the record, I agree.
Here's the thing: there has long been a double standard by which sex made boys studs and girls sluts; girls were usually held to a higher standard.
Which, as an aside, has its own perplexities: boys are allowed to "sow their wild oats" and girls had to stay pure? How does that even work?
Anyway, back to the point: Eventually girls decided that the double standard was wrong, probably sometime during the Woman's Lib movement when equality was the big word (by which they meant "sameness" which is another impossibility but that's for another day). Only to become equal, instead of raising the standard for boys then lowered the standard for girls. So now we can all be equally bad.
And somehow this is supposed to be good for girls.

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