Sunday 13 September 2009

A List of What's Happening

  1. My essay is pretty much done; it just needs one more read-through to find the small, hidden errors.
  2. I was with the big kids (grade 4-6) for the first time in Sunday School today. The other teacher reviewed last year and my job was just to feed them. It went well! Next week I actually teach.
  3. I made strawberry sauce this weekend from a basic recipe: try to make strawberry jam, have it refuse to set, rename it strawberry sauce!
  4. On the other hand, the raspberry jam set nicely.
  5. I'm trying blueberry jam next.
  6. This month I'm off Fridays and working Saturdays and as a result I spend the entire weekend trying to remember what day it is.
  7. I tried to hire a tall teacher at work but she bailed on me so I have the short teacher. I think we're doomed to never reach the top shelves easily.
  8. Inspirational videos do not work on me. My boss sends them to us when we're having a sale to inspire us to do a great job and reach for the start and believe in ourselves...all the last one did was inspire me to quit my job and become an opera singer. Happily enough, that wore off quickly!
  9. I am, however, inspired by the stories of great men and women who served God with their whole selves. Men like Hudson Taylor and Jim Elliot and William Carey. What they did mattered way more than the "believe-in-yourself" video people (like the opera singer).
  10. I've been watching old episodes of "The Muppet Show." Some of their guest stars are really, really strange. Others are amazing. Dad loved "The Muppet Show" so we watched it weekly and gained an appreciation for the puppetry. As I watch I even remember bits and pieces.


Katarina said...

Sounds like you've been *filling* your time well!
When yuo coming back for a visit?

Dorothy said...

It's just been approved today... I'm coming in November, the 11th - 15th.