Monday 18 April 2011


Today I feel better.

Yesterday was wildly busy. I taught Sunday School, threatened several children if they so much as touched the library computer (which is now in my Sunday School room, future room of the church library), found a different place for Junior Church after it was determined that the broken light in my room scattered too much glass to clean up properly before class time, taught Junior Church, talked with some parents (whose children are responsible for such things as a broken light and a crayon war), and had friends over for supper. That last one: that was fun. These friends have 2 young boys (7 and around 2) and we had a great time playing, watching them play, and discussing all sorts of things both deep and fun. I really should have them over more often. Anyway, by the end of yesterday I was really tired.

Today I stopped. I took the day off from work, school, Sunday School, Junior Church, whatever else has to be done. I slept and read and took a nap and watched TV and read more and went for a little walk and ate fast food for lunch and built a puzzle and read some more.

Now I feel much better than I have in a long time and I think I can face the world again tomorrow.

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