Saturday 7 January 2012

Getting Along

"Why can't we all just get along?" This is the rallying cry of those who dislike division and want everyone to be happy and affirmed and tolerant -- it's all about being tolerant.

Well, we can all get along. At work we have 2 Muslims, 2 Christians, and 2 Hindus (although one of them says he's an atheist now) and we all get along just fine. I disagree with friends about whether it's okay to use pictures of Jesus when teaching Sunday School and if women should wear head coverings at church, and we all get along just fine.

"Getting along" does not require total agreement on every point. It is completely possible to disagree with someone and still be friends. It is possible to debate issues and to hold differing beliefs without animosity.

"Being tolerant" does not require total agreement on every point. It means that we disagree but we don't hate each other. It means that I think you're wrong and you think I'm wrong but we're still friends and neighbours and co-workers.

We cannot say that completely contradictory beliefs are both right. A thing cannot both be and not be simultaneously.

Saying that I have to affirm everyone's belief as equally valid is nonsense and very intolerant besides; after all, my beliefs include the belief that non-Christians are wrong. So, if you want to be tolerant and get along...affirm that.

1 comment:

Patty said...

You sometimes just have to agree to disagree. I'm agreeing with you though about what you wrote.