Friday 1 June 2012

What I'm reading

I'm reading more biographies (the Christian Heroes Then and Now series) and enjoying every word of them. The latest have been Gladys Aylward and Brother Andrew. Their lives were amazing. I've read about Brother Andrew before (God's Smuggler...I've read it several times) but not much about Gladys Aylward. The stories all tend to concentrate around her struggles to get to China (the mission agency turned her down, she went alone, and she travelled by train across Russia in the winter) and the journey with the children across the mountains to safety during WWII. It's all exciting stuff, but there was a lot more to her life that I'd like to read about that this book mostly only touches on.

I'm also reading some Terry Pratchett novels for fun and enjoying them just a lot. They're just fun to read and great if you like British humour.

For school I'm reading A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23. It's a really, really good book and I'd recommend it to anyone. It's pretty easy reading, the parts about being a shepherd are very interesting to read, and how Christ is our Shepherd is laid out nicely and is very encouraging to read.

The rest of my reading has to do with bits of commentaries and Bible surveys and the like as I work on the major school assignment.

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