Sunday 9 September 2012

Sunday Stuff

This morning, for the first time since the start of summer, my small elf sat with me in church. She was somewhat giggly during the service, until near the end when I told her to stop and behave. Then she pouted for a while. I didn't mind. When she's pouting, she's not bothering me. Eventually she stops pouting.

After church I...

  • arranged for a couple of my girls to come for discipleship sessions
  • handed out candy to the kids without making them work hard for it at all this week
  • heard what the potential choices were for this year's Bible study (a book by Bunyan or Edwards) and gave my opinion
  • started helping organize the Bible study kick off gathering, gave up and left it to other people, and told them to send me details and I'd email the group
  • assured one grade 8 girl that my decision to change the sleepover age groups (last year it was grades 4-6 for one group and junior/senior high for the other; this year it will be grades 4-8 and 9-12) was not the end of the world and that it was done to make the numbers more even and not to torment her
  • fed her chocolate so she felt better about life (she can be a bit dramatic)
  • set up the Sunday School plans with my other teacher (Sunday School starts next week)
  • helped that teacher find a couple good missionary biographies (she's teaching about missionaries once a month)
  • found some materials for someone who teaches "Christian ethics" at a school and wanted something that wasn't fluffy
  • agreed to send her the Junior Church stuff as well for use with the little kids
  • spoke with her about the Christmas concert; she will bring me some programs she has so I can see if they will work for us
  • accepted some donations for the church library (which was my sole librarian job today; I left everything else up to the other librarian, who had also brought in some new (to us) books)
  • spoke with one of the Junior Church music people about the changes we are making to the songs and learned that she had the same concerns
It was a very productive hour!

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