Friday 6 September 2013

Books and Stuff

In my last email from Chapters, they had recommendations just for me: Blubber; Charlotte's Web; and A Wrinkle in Time. Yes: Chapters thinks I want nothing but children's books. I might need to change my ordering habits. I mean, at least Amazon once recommended Star Wars ice cube trays (because I ordered a season of The Muppet Show, if I remember correctly).

Hey...I just bought the newest Muppet movie last week from Amazon. Hold one while I check what they're recommending now...
Because I purchased The Muppets, Amazon thinks I would also like Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, because everyone knows international, Cold War thrillers go perfectly with the Muppets. Of course, they also recommend all the other Muppet movies, as well as The Avengers and The Adventures of Tintin.

For the record: I bought the Muppets because I was buying stuff for school and needed something fun as well. It's good that I have it because for school I'm reading a terrible book by a terrible "pastor" who CAN'T WRITE. Seriously, I could handle reading a book that teaches something I think is completely wrong if it's well written, but this one might kill me. It's written at the reading level of a 5th grader and the emotional level of a junior high girl. I think I get stupider just reading it. And I will not tell you the name because even bad publicity is still publicity.

To recover I read Ephesians. Also, I'm reading Against The Tide: The Valor of Margaret Wilson by Hope Irvin Marston. It's part of the Chosen Daughters series. The series looks at Christian women in different periods of history and how they affected and were affected by what was happening around them. They're fictionalized biographies: their overall outline is true, and the women, major events in their lives, and the historical events and people around them are true. To make it a story, though, it needs to include some of what they were thinking, some extra characters...things that are fiction, but don't draw away from the historical accuracy of the stories. This story takes place in 17th-Century Scotland, a time when the Covenanters (who held that Christ alone was head of the church) were being persecuted by the king and his men who wanted them to proclaim the king as head of the church.

My recommendations: Watch The Muppets (and The Avengers, actually), buy whatever you want and prepare for the recommendations that result, and read the Chosen Daughters series.

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