Sunday 22 September 2013

Sunday School

Today was the first day of Sunday School. We have an extra class this year. When we started, we had only one elementary school class, then later we split into grades 1-3 and 4-6, and now we're having grades 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6. The challenge is finding the room for the classes. We'll all be happy when we can build our own church (we have land now, but it will be a while before we can even start building).

We did get all the classes into rooms. I spent some time this morning directing people to the correct classes (and I suspect one family never did get it all straight; they wanted to send all three girls to the same class regardless of their ages, but we did get them into two different classes). One young man wasn't sure if he was in the right class, so I asked him his grade. He wasn't too sure of that either. Parents....I don't mind if you home school, but would you please tell your children what grade they are in for the sake of organization and paperwork! We finally decided that he's in grade 3 and got him to the correct class.

My class went well. We're in the "overflow room" (or "satellite sanctuary" depending on who you ask). We meet in a school, and use the gym as the sanctuary, but it's getting too full, so we have a video feed in one of the classrooms as well. Anyway, that's where we are this year. I was assured that I would have 2 long folding tables for my class. I got one long one and one short one, which is not enough for my class. I managed to get another table, but I'm going to have to figure out how to fit in a couple more students. We had 2 new ones and 2 who weren't here today.

In fact, there are several more students than we had expected. Of course, that comes from gathering numbers in June; we had families join over the summer. The grade 3-4 class is too big (and it's mostly grade 3 students). We have to switch them with the grade 1-2 class (which is the smallest so far), which means that next week I'm going to be directing children to the correct classes again!

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