Saturday 15 February 2014

The Third Option

Valentine's Day has come and gone again. As a single woman, the only thing about it that made me sad is that I couldn't find discounted chocolate or cinnamon hearts today (although I only looked in one place; I'll try other places tomorrow). Beyond that, it wasn't a big deal this year.

It did get me thinking, though. There are enough people who think that as a single person, I'm just waiting for the right guy to come along. I'm not. I'm also not out looking for a guy (the other perceived response to singleness). Either one makes it sound like my life is on hold in some way until I meet someone and get married. It's not.

I'm going with the third option: live life now. My life is already full and I am already contented and I already know joy. God has given me a wonderful life full of family and friends and work and studies and service. There's nothing to wait for.

I'm not decrying marriage. Marriage is a wonderful thing. If you're single and seeking marriage, that's great! Find someone, get married, raise a family, life life together. But don't wait until you're married to start living.

Life is too short and too wonderful to waste time on waiting. Live!

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