Monday 18 December 2017

Sunday Notes

Yesterday was Christmas Concert day (which is why I'm a day late again; there was enough to do yesterday). We had rehearsal in the morning, then the service, then home for lunch with friends, then a short break, then back to the church to do a dozen or so things before the concert started.

The concert itself went really well. Everyone did his or her part well, the children sang their hearts out (and looked adorable), and the candle-lit singing of Silent Night did not result in any fires. It was fun, and I'm very thankful for the entire team who made it happen.

I'm still tired this morning (I was awake a couple times in the night), and I'm happy that I don't have to think about the concert for another 10 months (that's my recovery period).

There are only a few days left of work, and then it's Christmas!

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