Sunday 10 February 2019

Bits of Church Stuff

Today we started on the book of James in Sunday School. I was doing an introduction, and it wasn't long enough for the whole class, so we had time for some "Bible trivia". Basically, I ask them questions such as, "What is the 7th book in the Bible?" and "What is the fourth word in the eighteenth chapter of Isaiah?" and "What does Jesus talk about in Matthew 11?" It's all sorts of questions based on where I flip in the Bible, and the kids love it. Today we talked a bit about the valley of dry bones and how they came together and became people, and then about women eating their babies during a famine. The students were horrified and I realized that they don't all know these stories. I told them that next year maybe I should teach "gross stuff in the Bible".

Pastor James finished 1 Corinthians 14 today, talking about order in the church. It was a good sermon. I'm looking forward to the next few weeks because I love chapter 15.

I don't chew gum very often (almost never), but the past 2 weeks, the family I sit with has passed a piece of gum down to me during the sermon, so I've been chewing it. It's good gum; the mint is very strong and the flavour lasts a good while. The thing that I have trouble with is: what do you do with the gum when talking or singing? I sort of shove it to the side of my mouth, or stick it to one of my back teeth to get it out of the way, but I'm always aware of it. Do other people have that problem?

Two of the small boys were playing after the service, and one of the small girls was trying to keep up with them. She kept coming up to me to keep me updated on what was going on. I'm not sure what the game was, but it seems that one of them had been shot in the arm and leg (he seemed to be unbothered by it and didn't slow down one bit), and then she told me, "I can't find my boys and I've been shot in the leg!" before she ran off in pursuit of her boys. I'm still not sure what was going on!

So that was church today. It was good. Here's a song for you:

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