Thursday 17 April 2008

Counting down....

2 hours and 45 minutes today.
6-8 hours tomorrow (depending on how quickly I can finish everything).
4 hours on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
Total: 22-24 hours and 45 minutes.
Not that I'm counting down or anything.
I'm almost done. I should already be done. I was supposed to be done last week. But the head honcho boss asked if I would stay for an extra week, and then for 3 more days (which I'm doing as half days). But it's almost over and then I have a week off. If you're looking for me, I'll be asleep or studying.
And after that? A new position at a different centre with normal hours (10-6 and no overtime (I hope)) and only 4 days a week. Time to keep up with schoolwork. Time to relax. Time to do all the things (or at least some of the things) that I want to be doing and should be doing.
By this time next week I'll be done. The end is in sight.


pbfwood said...

Making me wait to read it here that you are changing jobs? What will you be doing now at a new center? You so aren't counting down or anything.

Dorothy said...

I realized that I hadn't told you, so I thought this would work! I'll be director of education and also I'll be training all new staff. Less work, less stress, and less of the stuff I don't like.

pbfwood said...

Sounds like it will work out well for you then. Less stress is always a good thing.