Monday 21 April 2008


Last weekend it was summer. Now winter is back for one last stand (at least I hope it gives up after this). It's cold and snowing and blowing and I am not liking it. I slogged through snowdrifts up to my knees to get to work. Plus, I have a cold. It is times like this that it is very, very hard to remember that God is sovereign over the weather and therefore He has a purpose for this and so, ultimately, it is good. It doesn't feel good.
On a more positive note: I only have 2 days left, it's only 1:00 and I'm about to leave work, my nephew made the soccer team, I taught the kids about David and Bathsheba without having to say "ask your parents" once, and I finally won a chess game. So, yeah, life isn't all snow.

1 comment:

pbfwood said...

Along with the snow comes moisture to help the farmers grow grain to hopefully bring prices of it back to a more normal level. Snow can be good if it means grocery prices will lower some. It's crazy.