Sunday 23 November 2008

What I'm Reading

I did a sweep of my apartment to gather up all the books I'm in the process of reading. Here they are, in no particular order:

  1. The Mortifiction of Sin by John Owen. In the name of complete honesty: I'm actually reading the Puritan Paperback, "abridged and made easy to read by Richard Rushing" version. We're reading it for our Bible study. It's good, needs to be read carefully (and sometimes more than once) to understand, and is very convicting.
  2. I Am a Pencil by Sam Swope. This is the story of a writer who "adopted" a class for three years (grades 3-5) as their writing teacher and mentor. It's interesting, especially the students' writing.
  3. Did I Kiss Marraige Goodbye? by Carolyn McCulley. To answer the first question everyone asks (or assumes): it is not related to I Kissed Dating Goodbye, although I think Josh Harris is Carolyn's pastor (and suggested the title). It presents singleness as a gift, not a burden, that is given by God for a purpose.
  4. Evangelical Feminism by Wayne Grudem. I picked this up at Masters last summer because it looked interesting. It looks closely at what Scripture says about the role of women as well as at the problems with the arguments made by feminists.
  5. Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges. A friend and I are going through this book (and the discussion guide) together. A word of warning: if you want to be happy and content with yourself and how relatively "good" you are, don't read this book! It's tough stuff, especially when combined with the Owen book.
  6. The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas. One of the elders has been after me to read this, among other classics that he feels that I should have read; in fact, it's disgraceful that I could be an English major and not have read certain books (ignoring the fact that The Three Musketeers was originally written in French). I finally got it from the library so that I could say that I started it, it was too boring, and I refused to complete it. Problem: it's really, really good. It's well-written and holds my attention. Now he's going to expect me to take his advice on all books.

That's it for now: only 6 books on the go. They're all good and I recommend all of them. Happy reading!


Katarina said...

Seriously....6 books? I'm loucky I can get through 1 in a year now!!!

Dorothy said...

For the record, I said I'm reading them, not finishing them!