Friday 10 April 2009

Returning from Self-imposed Exile

Hello, anyone still out there reading my ramblings....I have returned to ramble once again!

It's been a good break. This blog-reading had begun to get the better of me; I was spending way too much time reading the ramblings of people I don't even know. It was time to stop, get away from the internet, and spend time with real, live people! Plus, I am up to my eyeballs in schoolwork and church stuff and that job know: life!

But I have missed writing so I'm returning to share my thoughts with the world in general.

For today, though, I have nothing for you. Just an announcement of my return. Oh, and I got my hair cut last week. It is now shoulder length with layers, not all the way down my back. She cut off a LOT of hair! I like it short, though. It saves a pile of time in the mornings, time that could be better spent sleeping.

Okay, that's it for today. I'm still limiting my internet time. I'll try to come up with deep and insightful for tomorrow (but don't hold your breath).


Katarina said...

welcome back! so...are you going to go back and read all theposts you missed reading or are you simply going to start from today and move forward :)

Have a great Easter weekend.

Dorothy said...

I'm skimming a few older posts, but mostly moving forward! I've cut down my blog reading to 4 daily reads (yes, you made the cut). Plus, I'm writing again!