Tuesday 28 April 2009

Still Laughing

My friend's son is 5 (almost 6). I was visiting one day and he and I were sitting together talking about nothing much when, out of the blue, the following conversation ensued....

Him: You have milk in your hips for your babies.

Me (very confused): I...what?

Him (patting my chest...not my hips): You have milk in your hips. It's for your babies.

Me (removing his hand and trying hard not to laugh): Those aren't hips. Hips are further down (gesturing towards my hips).

Him (lifing up his shirt): See, I have little hips (he points to his chest). You have big hips to hold milk for your babies.

That's when I decided that it wasn't my job to correct this little misunderstanding and changed the subject.


Katarina said...

lol that's going to make me laugh for a LOOOOOONG while, thanks for sharing!

pbfwood said...

That's too funny. See it's not just my kids that come up with stuff like that.