Thursday 24 December 2009

A Confession

In November I visited my family. I finished my Christmas shopping and left the presents there; in exchange, they sent my Christmas presents home with me. Which means....I have had my Christmas presents in my house for a month, and for a month I have been very good. Until Sunday I kept them tucked away in my room, but on Sunday I put them under the tree. There are big presents and little presents and obvious presents (it's hard to disguise a mug) and mystery presents. There were also 4 small, identical presents just the size of individual packages of hot chocolate. And I have a shortage of hot chocolate in my house.....

Last night I caved. My only excuse is that once work was done last night I declared it to be Christmas (technicalities bore me; once I'm on Christmas break, it's Christmas no matter what day it is), and if it's Christmas it's perfectly okay to open 4 small, identical presents. And they're very nice hot chocolates: hot chocolate with mini marshmallows, white hot chocolate with mini marshmallows, candy cane hot chocolate, and gingerbread hot chocolate.

The rest of the presents are still wrapped and will stay that way until a proper present-opening time, I promise! But I am very thankful for the hot chocolate.

Next year maybe I will keep them all hidden away until Christmas Eve.

1 comment:

pbfwood said...

Wow, good thing they really were hot chocolate, eh? The kids had lots of fun picking out things Auntie Dorothy would like. Hope now it's really Christmas you enjoy all the surprises that await you.