Sunday 3 January 2010

I'm Not Quite Sure How it Happened....

...but it seems I'm hooked on SciFi classics. A co-worker has mentioned that great SciFi Christmas classic: "Santa Conquors the Martians" and I was able to borrow it this year. It came in a set of 50 classic SciFi movies, so I've been watching some of them over the holidays while studying. They combine generally bad acting, impossible story plots, less scientific knowledge than even I possess (although in their defense, most of the movies are 40-50 years old, and the newest are from the '80s), and spaceships and martian outfits that look like a group of high school students made them. It sounds terrible, right? Ah, but they're so bad, they tend to be great viewing! Although the women tend to be either cruel despots or wimps who scream and swoon a lot (or both, in some cases).

Let me give you an example of one of the movie descriptions. This is from "The Sons of Hercules: The Land of Darkness." The sons of Hercules were, according to the theme song, "men as men should be," which I think means that they rescued beautiful damsels, fought lions bare-handed, and defeated entire armies on their own. At no time, however, did they manage to find where they had left their shirts. Anyway, here it is:

"Hercules falls for the daughter of a deposed king whose kingdom is held in thrall by an evil queen. The Queen captures our hero and orders him torn apart like a wishbone by wild elephants. He survives and the queen falls for him, but he is true to his love. The queen's subjects rise up in arms and her realm is engulfed in a volcanic eruption. Somewhere along the way Hercules and his chubby comic companion fight off lions, bears and an angry dragon."

Seriously, people, how could you resist? It's 81 minutes of pure entertainment!

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