Saturday 2 October 2010

I am Cow

My friend's young sons were over yesterday and we ended up on the computer; I was watching a YouTube clip and as soon as they heard it they came over (it was a Piper clip on not wasting your life; they thought it was strange but stayed to watch/listen).

They seem like such good boys; they even told me that they aren't allowed on YouTube unless Mommy says it's okay and she's there. I assured them that it was okay if I was with them. Then they had me watch "I am Cow" three times (well, mostly I listened while I made lunch; they kept hitting replay). And I was stuck with it running through my head the rest of the day.

And so, for your viewing enjoyment......


pbfwood said...

That was funny and disturbing all at the same time.

Dorothy said...

Now try to get it out of your head!

pbfwood said...

It's Timothy's favourite song right now.

Dorothy said...

Oh, dear...I've corrupted him!