Wednesday 13 October 2010

Various Things to be Thankful For....

Bringing ice cream and olives to Thanksgiving dinner and leaving with apple pie, enough leftovers for two meals, and extra ham.

Spending time being silly with one child, learning about lego kingdoms and reading books with another child, and laughing with the adults while we "played" the Worst Case Scenario game.

Knowing how to: survive a kidnapping, recognize when a ship is coming to rescue me (and not kidnap me), eat a frog or a lizard, and recognize a harvest ant bite.

Keeping bulletins in my bible cover so that I am able to hand them over, one by one, to a little imp sitting next to me in church to keep her busy drawing all over the back.

A certain little imp who sits with me in church and draws pictures of Miss Dorothy and Miss Dorothy's house (which looks nothing like my house, given that I live in an apartment).

Having an apartment of my own so that I can have books stacked wherever I want....which is most of everywhere.

That in Edmonton, Criminal Minds is on peasant vision, so I can indulge every Wednesday evening (which is what I'm doing right now).

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