Sunday 21 August 2011

Sunday Stuff

Today one of my Junior Church teachers asked if it was okay for her husband to teach with her; her regular helper won't be available. Further, she would prefer if he taught and she helped. I was not only happy, I was delighted. I think it's good for men to be involved in teaching the children; after all, it's the men who are leaders in the church.

During the sermon, Pastor James mentioned Moses performing the signs in Egypt. We're pretty sure he meant to say that Pharoah's magicians finally couldn't perform the same feats and told him that this was from God; however, what he actually said was musicians. Three times, in fact. I wondered if I was mishearing, but there were enough looks being passed from one person to another to confirm that I was hearing correctly!

Here's one of this week's songs (although we don't sound quite like this!)...

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