Tuesday 13 September 2011

"But God...": A Rather Short Book Review

I like the word "but" in the Bible; I think it often introduces important, encouraging, "from despair to hope" moments. It often reads: "Everything is bad. Very, very, very bad. We are all going to die. But God....changes everything."

Casey Lute (who was in some of my classes at Masters) has written a book about this very concept. "But God..." The Two Words at the Heart of the Gospel shows how God changes darkness to light and despair to hope.

Casey looks first at the flood and the formation of the nation of Israel; second at the coming, death and resurrection of Christ; and finally at God's election, salvation, and perseverance of His people. Through it all he shows us from Scripture that without God's direct intervention in our lives, we have no hope. With God,though, we have life and hope everlasting.

The book is well-written, interesting, and (for my non-readers) not very long! It can be ordered through Cruciform Press. I enjoyed it and I'm sure you will....so go buy it and read it!

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