Sunday 11 September 2011

Church Notes

Today we started Sunday School again. I have a good-sized class, around 12 grade 4-6 students (actually, 2 of them are in grade 3; we moved them up to make the grade 1-3 class smaller since they acquired 8 grade 1 students this year). I really enjoy teaching my class; they're fun and funny and smart. I did tell the new students that since this week was review from last year that they didn't need to be smart until next week.

We have more and more books in the library every week. One of the men at the church has a Christian book store and any "defective" books that are written off and not sold make their way to us now! It's nice, because most of the defects are small: a ripped cover, pages not cut properly (which only required a trim to fix them), or things I don't even notice. Plus, one of my friends new where to get me a copy of Journey Through the Night (the publishers live and sell their books in the farming community where her parents live) so I'm very happy. It's been years since I've read it and it was one of my favourites.

We had a sandwich lunch and baby shower right after church. I like that all baby and wedding showers are done with the entire church so we can all celebrate. Actually, I was off in the library checking out items for someone and talking with some of the young people during the formal part of the baby shower!

In all, it was a good Sunday. I love my church family and I thank God for them often.

We sang this when I was at church in California this summer and I really liked it...

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