Sunday 21 July 2013

Back at School

The trip to school was very educational. I learned:

If an airline wants to push 14 people to the head of the line going through security because those 14 people arrived at the airport late and might miss their flight, airport security isn't allowed to say no. One of them tried but was told that the airline had the right to move their people up if they were running late.

For the record: they wouldn't have missed their flight. They were right behind me and then moved to the front when I was second in line, and then I saw them by their gate just before their flight was called. Also, they were moved ahead of one couple and me. It wasn't a big jump.

Also: the royal baby is overdue, the RCMP has Bait Cars, and there are vigils or something being held for Trayvan.

And I need to keep an eye on my luggage or bad stuff will happen.

Sitting in the airport for 90 extra minutes because the flight is delayed isn't the end of the world.

Being at school has been more fun! I caught up with a lot of people I only see once a year (and this is my last summer so I don't know when I'll see them again). There has been a lot of talking and laughing, and even some more serious talk. The Biblical Counseling students get more interesting and less annoying every year. They used to be so perky and cheerful and enthusiastic about everything but now they're more steady, sometimes sarcastic, and understand that life isn't always beautiful. Someone theorized that the ones I used to see were all young, and most of the current students that I hang out with are older. That might account for some of it.

I was at Grace Community Church today. It was nice, although I was missing my home church (especially a certain small person who might have been looking for me to give him a candy after church...he's so happy when I appear with a treat for him!). I bought a stack of books for the church library, including several for the younger children. There are a couple new sets that I got one or two of so we can see if the kids enjoy them before purchasing more.

I'm trying very hard to forget about work and to refrain from checking work email this week. I know they can get along without me, but I'm a bit of a control freak! I have to remind my self that I left very good people in charge and one of the main directors will be keeping an eye on a couple things for me as well. And I really, really need a break from the stress; the past 3 weeks almost did me in. So I'm going to rest and learn and enjoy the company of other believers who for whatever reason also thought school was a good plan!


Anonymous said...

He did come looking for you, and I forgot to bring something for him! He did get candy from Mrs. Braye, but he still wasn't convinced that was good enough.

Dorothy said...

Well now I feel a bit bad! Although that should have been better since she probably didn't make him work for it.