Saturday 7 June 2008


I should be starting to research Nehemiah and coming up with a thesis/topic sentence for the paper. Instead I have...

  1. printed out pictures for the rest of the Children's Church lessons to the end of 2 Kings (or until the 2nd week of October, which kills writing lessons as a worthy procrastination tool until fall)
  2. baked bread
  3. read a chapter of "An Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics" (which doesn't really count since it was on the to-do list anyway)
  4. gone for a nice walk because I needed to get out of the house for a bit
  5. checked email and Facebook
  6. blogged, the latest in my list of procrastination tools.

Guess how excited I am about doing that research!

1 comment:

pbfwood said...

Very good procrastination things I must say. Now do your work!!!!!