Wednesday 20 August 2008

Music and the Radio

According to the weather network it is 14C outside. I'm happy with that. The high today seemed to be around 16 (but they may be a bit off). You know what Monday's high was? 35C. Now how it went down that much that quickly I don't know, but I'm glad it did.

Okay, so on to today's topic. I was just listening to the radio (waiting to hear the weather report) when another song came on that I don't like. It was about "that summer" with the girl and the sex and the smoking strange things. I turned the radio off (hence the weather network report) and I thought about how often I'm doing that lately. I like the country station because I like country music and they're usually okay but lately I've been more and more bothered by the contents of some of the songs. Not all of them, but there are things that I listened to a year ago that bother me now. I'm thinking more about the lyrics and not just listening to the music. I don't agree with sex (outside of marriage) or excessive drinking or a lot of other stuff they glorify so why am I filling my head with it?

It must be these prayers for discernment I've been praying. I was only thinking about the reading I've been doing and the stuff I encounter at work, but evidently it's overflowing into other parts of my life. I think I'll keep on praying. I want to hate the things He hates.

1 comment:

The Martins Home said...

Hating things He hates.. That is what it is really all about. Sometimes it is hard. But really why do we fill our heads with that stuff. Glad to hear Dorothy.