Friday 10 July 2009

Bits and Pieces

The first full week of summer classes is over at work. I'm so tired....every year I forget how tiring the first week or two can be. After that things settle down, there are fewer new students, and time flies. It's still busy, but I adjust to it.

Some of the tired may be from the concert last night! A group of friends and I went to see Kenny Chesney and it ended very late. There were a couple of minor opening acts, then Taylor Swift, then (finally) Kenny Chesney! It was amazing.

In 8 days I'm leaving for school! I'm so excited (although I have a pile of homework to do still). Five full days of classes and being with people who understand why I'm there! The teaching and the fellowship are both great.

My friend Sarah is coming tomorrow night. She used to attend my church until she moved away for work. She's heard that our pastor isn't well and is finally able to make time to come visit. Sarah and I don't see each other often and we don't talk or email often but we have one of those friendships that can just pick up again when we see each other.

That sums up my life right now.

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