Sunday 2 April 2017

Sunday Notes

Today was a reformation lesson: we learned about Tyndale, his love for God's Word, and his work in translating it into English. He was captured and killed before he finished the entire Bible. Then we tried to figure out how many Bibles we each had in our homes. I have 10 Bibles, covering a total of 5 different translations. We have been incredibly blessed in our ability to access God's Word, which my be why so many people (and I'm only talking about believers here) don't care enough about it. If it was suddenly banned, and hard to find, and illegal to read, I think we might see better how precious it is.

During class, we suddenly heard a violin playing O Sacred Head Now Wounded (the hymn I posted below). We stopped to listen and wonder where the sound was coming from. Someone thought it came from the nursery, or close to it, because when it started, all the babies became quiet. It turns out that one of the junior high students was practicing to play it during the offering this morning. The babies could undoubtedly hear it, since we could, so maybe that did settle them down. If so, we need her to play for them regularly!

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