Wednesday 10 April 2024

So Many Books

Recently someone died (I didn't know him) and he left his extensive theological library to GraceLife. We sorted through boxes of books a couple weeks ago (piles of yes, maybe, no but someone else might want them, and never books, as well as a few "we don't need them in the library so we'll take them" books). We didn't have a chance to get them into the system or figure out where to put them all, and there were piles on the tables and boxes on the floor. Today I was up in the library and discovered that there are MORE BOOKS! I think the first load was around half of the total. We didn't have this many books when we started the library.

I am absolutely thankful for the books and the man who thought to leave them to us. Not only are they a blessing to the library and church family, many of them will be excellent to have around when we start a branch seminary. I'm just not sure what we're going to do with them all! We need more bookcases and more time to properly sort, catalogue, and shelve them. Probably more help too. 

And to think, I was just planning our next shopping spree to get new book!

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