Friday 4 July 2008

Getting Ready to Leave

Okay, so I'm leaving for school in the morning and all I have to do is check my paper for any glaring errors, go to the library, finish going through books to determine which ones will make it into the garage sale, do laundry, pack....

And, hey, did I mention that the hot water heater is broken? And that until the guy comes later today (and no one knows when) we have no water because the cold water is shut off too so that means no laundry and no packing and I'll end up doing it in the middle of the night and I don't like having my plans messed up when I'm this busy! And I don't like having so much to do and feeling that I'm wasting the day because I can't do it all. Plus it means other people are grumpy because they can't plan their day either because they have to wait for the guy to show up. Yeah, it's fun stuff around here.

It's shaping up to be a stressful day. I think I'll go hide somewhere until the water is back and everyone is happy again. Maybe at the library, eh?

So if you have a minute today, pray for me. I'm stressed and excited and worried about what school will be like and basically a mix of emotions. I like structure and plans and knowing what to expect so, yeah, this is a bit rough.


pbfwood said...

You will be fine!!!!! I had a dream you were here before going to California and you decided not to go there but to Pittsburgh instead because you liked that school better.

Dorothy said...

Oh, no...not Pittsburgh! Um, is there even a school there?