Tuesday 1 July 2008

What I Wish People Would Understand

Actually, there are a lot of things, but this one is about me right now...

Yes, I am going to school in California next week. And you all respond the same way: like I should be more excited about California than about school; that school is secondary to the joy of the location, and it's really just an excuse for a little vacation.

Listen to me, people:
  1. I will be in classes from 8:30 - 12:30 and then from 1:30 - 5:30. After that there's homework. This is not some vacation on the beach type of trip. Yes, there will be time to relax but not to do all the touristy stuff you all think I'm going to do and recommend that I do. It's school, people. It means work.
  2. I don't mind the work. I have waited for 16 years to go to Bible college and now I get to go and I plan to take advantage of every bit of learning I can get.
  3. I don't like heat. I am happiest when it's in the mid-20's. Right now in Santa Clarita it's in the 30's. This is very hot to this northerner. I do not function well when it's very hot. I find it very tiring.
  4. I did not choose the school for its location. I chose it for its teachings and for the program.

Okay, I feel better now. I know there will still be people who have already made up their minds about how this is really a vacation and I'll spend more time on the beaches than in class. That, they think, is what they would do, and they certainly don't believe me when I try to explain any of the above (if they even listen). I think that they are judging me based on what they would do. Me, I am counting down the days until I can finally be at school.

(4 days until I leave)


pbfwood said...

I hear you about the heat. It's 27C here and i'm way to hot. My house is at 22C and it feels cool inside compared to outdoors.

I know you are going to school but you will buy me Cherry Pepsi and ship it to me right? I know i'm likely dreaming. You have to eat while there so at least drink some for me.

Dorothy said...

I actually thought about it, but I'm not sure about shipping it! Now if you promise to come visit I'll buy some and hold it for you!

pbfwood said...

I have no money remember, and things just got worse but we will prevail and it won't keep us down.