Tuesday 15 July 2008

Getting Ready to Move

My room does not really look like my room anymore. Most of the stuff is packed and either in the hall or the dining room, ready to lug into cars and off to the new apartment. I can see 3 books in my room (actually there are a few more in my backpack). The bookcases are empty and most of them have been moved out. Most of what's left to pack are clothes and last minute bits of stuff. It's very strange and empty.

We went to the apartment last night because I got the keys yesterday and I wanted to show it off a bit. It really is a nice little place with lots of kitchen cupboards, a balcony with a door from the living room and another one from my bedroom, and a little laundry room. We took the first few boxes then. There was a real mix of stuff thanks to my "put it wherever it fits" style of packing: books, files, paper cups, Christmas tree lights, coasters, a stuffed kitten, and some office supplies, to name a few! Today and tomorrow my current landlady brought/will bring a load of stuff while I'm at work and Thursday night I've borrowed a friend's van and her husband to move the big furniture. Friday is officially moving day, though, and that's when I'll be in my new place for real.

I'm nervous and excited and tired...so tired...I really don't like packing!

1 comment:

pbfwood said...

That must seem odd looking and odd feeling knowing you are getting your very own place. Hope the weather is nice to move in.