Things are starting to wrap up for the summer. There are two more weeks of Sunday School, one more Bible Study, one more Women's Discipleship class, one more Women's Ministry event, two more work-related things (a conference/staff meeting and a book club call)…and that's it. It sounds like a lot when it's all written down, but by 2:30 on June 4th (11 days from now) it will all be done!
I will have piles of spare time starting in June (and a fair amount most of next week as well, until the conference on the weekend). The only thing left on my schedule is vacation and a bit of tutoring Of course, I also have a long, long list of things to take care of this summer.
Things I need to work on:
-- Preparing for Sunday School in the fall (including figuring out how to adapt a curriculum for The Pilgrim's Progress for my class)
-- Going over the Christmas concert costumes, making repairs, and making more costumes as our numbers have increased
-- Going over the first year Church History curriculum, making corrections and adjustments, and creating outlines
-- Preparing items for the Women of Grace blog
-- A whole lot of reading
It's a lot of stuff, but it's all things I can work on as I wish rather than "this needs to be done now!" and there will be plenty of time for fun reading and relaxing and such.
And by fall, I'll be looking forward to everything starting up again.