Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Misunderstandings at Church

1. Announcement: "Sunday School will start again next week."
Child: "Next weeee-eeeek?" (very upset)
Mother: Tries to explain that there is still Junior Church and he will get to go to his class soon. Very soon. She hopes.

2. Teacher: Explaining the Parable of the Sowers...."The different types of ground represent people."
Perplexed Child: "We're ground?" (This same child (who is four) thought "paralyzed" meant "no legs" and was very, very impressed when the Jesus healed the paralyzed man who was then able to walk with no legs; he also took literally the "blood and body of Jesus" and was very upset.)
Teacher: "It's a metaphor." (Yeah, like that helped....)

1 comment:

Katarina said...

too funny! gotta love the things they say and think!
how's life btw?