Wednesday, 4 January 2012

On Reviewing Books

I like books. I like reading books and I like talking about books. This year I plan to do more book reviews and recommendations. As such, I've been thinking about what sort of books I want to write about here.

I read blogs that review books and blogs whose authors write books (and some blogs that have nothing to do with books, but they're irrelevant here). Of late, there's been a lot of talk about a new book written by a celebrity pastor. From what I've read (and I've skipped most of it) it's not a book we need to be reading. In fact, at least some of the bloggers seem to be writing to warn against the book.

Now, I understand that. There are books written that will be embraced by many, many people that are at best fluff and at worst really, really bad theology. I understand wanting to warn people, and if you say "don't read this book" you need to say why.

But....a lot of time and attention and publicity have been given to this book. At the same time, these bloggers are ignoring books that should be read. Perhaps it's because they don't have time for every book out there; perhaps it's that they don't feel the need to warn people about certain books. I don't know.

Here's what I do know: I don't want to spend my time on books that no one should read. Instead, I've decided that books I review here will be books that are worth the time it takes to read them, books that will help people (or entertain people; I don't read only nonfiction). I don't want to give publicity to books that should be ignored, and I do want to promote books that should be read.

In the event that I do talk about the other sort of book, it will be for a very good reason and I will have discussed it with some people I trust first.

And on that note...go read a book!

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